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The Field Services Division consists of the Patrol, Investigations, and Court Services Units.  The division is managed by the Captain of Field Services and five Sergeants.  Other specialized teams within these units include Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Investigations, K9, Reserve Deputies, First Responders, UAV (Drone) team, Drug Recognition Experts (DRE), Drug Investigations, DARE, School Resource, and more.


The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Unit is sometimes considered to be the backbone of the sheriff's office as it is the the most visible. The Division is comprised of multiple shifts broken into days, overnights, and power.

The responsibility of the Patrol Division is to maintain a safe and orderly environment for citizens and visitors in all areas of Dunn County. When assistance is requested from the Sheriff’s Office, the first deputy responding will most likely be a member of the Patrol Division. These deputies are in constant contact with the public and answer a variety of calls. Patrol deputies respond to  a varied range of calls from noise complaints to traffic issues to homicides. For this reason, these deputies must have in-depth knowledge of the law and must be well versed law enforcement officers.

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Patrol deputies are almost always the first to respond to emergency scenes. Therefore, they must be equipped with many different types of equipment to handle various types of police emergencies.  All squads are equipped with mobile radios which utilize a state-of-the-art digitally trunked radio infrastructure throughout Dunn County.  When squads leave Dunn County, their mobile radios automatically connect to a statewide system of radio towers allowing for communication from anywhere in the state.  Squads also have high definition digital camera systems, cellular phones, AED units, oxygen, and first aid supplies.  Squad computers allow officers to be more efficient with their duties by completing traffic warnings, citations, and crash reports much quicker and with much less chance of error. The computers also allow an officer to query a driver’s license and vehicle registration status, warrant inquiry, and communicate with other officers in real-time throughout the county. Officers also receive CAD (Computer Assisted Dispatch) information through the computer in real-time while at service calls or completing computerized reports. Deputies can save time otherwise spent in the office by completing police reports in the field and submitting them electronically.  All squads are tracked via GPS which keeps emergency dispatch personnel updated on each squad’s position and activity in the county.

Deputies always need to be prepared for emergency calls such as shootings that require a tactical response. In the last 10 years there were five officer-involved shootings in Dunn County.  In addition, officers respond to numerous calls throughout the year that require a tactical approach for the safety of deputies and the public.  All deputies carry tactical response uniforms and gear that allow them to quickly respond to these dangerous calls at any moment.  There are also a few patrol deputies that are members of the Eau Claire Regional SWAT team, a regionally organized and specially trained unit for serious matters that require a tactical response.


Deputies assigned to the Court Services Unit provide court security and assist with bailiff services for the three circuit court branches in Dunn County and civil and family court proceedings in the building.  Deputies provide physical security throughout the Judicial Center as well as have a physical presence in court rooms for court proceedings that require extra security.  They monitor surveillance systems that cover the entire Judicial Center, Sheriff's Office, and Jail.  All persons entering the Dunn County Courthouse are subject to search and are typically screened prior to entry into the building to assure the safest environment available for everyone present.  Court deputies execute arrest warrants in the courthouse and also assist with escorting inmates to and from the Jail when needed.

The Civil Process deputy is responsible for receiving, processing and serving or executing all judicial process received by the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office. The Civil Process carries out the responsibility of the sheriff, per Wisconsin State Statute, the service of civil process, which includes:

  • Service of Subpoenas

  • Summonses

  • Other non-enforceable civil process

Execution of Enforceable Civil Process to include:

  • Writs of Possession

  • Writs of Replevin

  • Writs of Execution

  • Service of Temporary Final Injunctions for Protection

Each step in the civil process is extremely important. We word diligently to ensure that all laws have been addressed and adhered to throughout the process. A detailed case management system enables Civil Process to efficiently administer process serving and execution of civil writs. A large portion of the overall effectiveness within the judicial system is dependent upon this sections efficient and expeditious service of these as well as many other types of civil process.

To contact Dunn County Sheriff Civil Process, please click here.

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Commanded by four shift sergeants, the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Unit is made up of uniformed patrol deputies who provide law enforcement services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These deputies are encompassed within four zones of the county and provide coverage for over 850 square miles including Menomonie, 11 villages, and 22 townships.  Sheriff's deputies provide assistance and supplemental law enforcement to three part-time agencies and the Wisconsin State Patrol that operate within the county.

Patrol Deputies are responsible for responding to all calls for service and handling initial investigations of cases. They are the first to respond to the public’s request for help and the first to respond to emergency 911 and non-emergency calls. Approximately 14,000 incidents are handled by deputies throughout the year.

A large part of the patrol division’s time is spent in traffic enforcement. In addition to speed enforcement, officers are always on the lookout for other traffic violators, such as stop sign/stop light violators, vehicle equipment violations, improper registration and/or driver’s licenses, OMVWI, and drug enforcement.  Patrol squads are equipped with radar units capable of checking the speeds of target vehicles within range. Deputies also have other ways of checking speed, such as the use of Laser or special aircraft details.



The Mission of the Criminal Investigation Unit is to provide the highest quality criminal investigative support to the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office by conducting timely and thorough criminal investigations. Motivated by a search for the truth, Investigators will search for and collect all available evidence surrounding each case to exonerate the innocent and substantiate the culpability of the guilty.

The Investigations Division is supervised by an Investigations Sergeant and includes general criminal investigations, financial, fraud, and white-collar crime, and crimes against persons and property.  Special units within the Investigations Unit include Drug Enforcement (partnership with the West-Central Drug Task Force), school resource and DARE instruction, and a deputy assigned to specifically address issues of substance abuse and mental health.  Investigators also assist local, state and federal government agencies by collecting, analyzing, and disseminating criminal intelligence information throughout the state and nation to support criminal investigations.


A drug recognition expert or drug recognition evaluator (DRE) is a police officer trained to recognize impairment in drivers under the influence of drugs other than, or in addition to, alcohol. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) coordinates the International Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program with support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office currently has three full-time deputies trained as Drug Recognition ExpertS. There are approximately 130 certified DREs in the State of Wisconsin. The DRE is often times utilized by other Dunn County deputies and is also asked to assist other area police agencies in some cases. The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office DRE program is funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

DREs undergo approximately 152 hours of classroom training and field training with drugs. The training is extensive and detailed. DREs must undergo recertification training annually and keep up-to-date with related training or they lose their certification and “expert” status.

The DRE evaluates and assesses appearance and behavior. The DRE also carefully measures and records vital signs and makes precise observations of the person’s automatic responses and reactions. The DRE also administers carefully designed psychophysical tests to evaluate the person’s judgment, information processing ability, coordination and various other characteristics. The DRE will systematically consider everything about the person that could indicate the influence of drugs.

DREs generally deal with cases relating to persons that are suspected of driving under the influence of drugs but also may assist on any criminal case where it may be necessary to determine if there is drug impairment. DREs also may be used when responding to certain medical calls and are proven useful to determine if illicit or prescription drug abuse is related to the medical problem.


They can often times provide valuable information to responding medical professionals to help the patient. DREs also are a community resource to school liaison officers, school officials, and parents if an issue arises where a student may be suspected of using drugs.

The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office will assist area law enforcement agencies that may need a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) to respond to their jurisdiction.  The Wisconsin DOT funds any out-of-county service calls.



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The Dunn County Sheriff’s K-9 Unit consists of three specifically trained K-9’s.  The K-9 unit services the Sheriff’s Office and is available to other police agencies in Dunn County that request its assistance. K-9 officers undergo training to keep their skills sharp so they are ready when called for duty. The Dunn County K-9 units also provide aid to other police agencies in West-Central Wisconsin that may request their assistance. To request Dunn County’s K-9 assistance, please contact the Sheriff’s Office Communications Center at 715-232-1348.

Rip and Ranger are German Shepherds trained by K9 Services of Albuquerque, New Mexico. They are both trained as a patrol dogs capable of narcotics detection, human tracking and criminal apprehension.

The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office has a third K-9 being utilized in a different fashion. Rookie is a black golden doodle who is being trained as the department’s therapy dog. Rookie’s duties include comforting and providing support to victims in Dunn County on scene and during interviews, providing support to officers after traumatic incidents, and accompanying our D.A.R.E. officer to classes.


The Dunn County Reserve-Deputy Division consists of up to 30 reserve deputies. The reserves are supervised by reserve sergeants, and one reserve lieutenant. The unit is supervised by the Field Services Captain.  The reserve deputies work a variety of events throughout the county when contracted policing is required or for events that require extra police presence.  Some reserves that complete the field-training program can fill open patrol shifts due to deputy sick leave, vacation, or other absences.  Reserve deputies are certified, armed, and fully sworn deputies with arrest powers.


The Dunn County First Responder Program is coordinated through the Sheriff’s Office. This program consists of volunteers that respond to calls for emergency medical assistance. This program is run in part on donations from various organizations and community members.

This program has assisted law enforcement in saving many lives over the years it has been in existence.  If you are interested in becoming a first responder, please contact 715-231-2938.

Dial 911 for Emergency


Dunn County supports Text-to-911


Tipster Line:  1-855-TIP-DUNN

​​Contact Us:

Dispatch Non-Emergency:

800.459.2939  or  715-232-1348

Business Office & Records:




​Find us: 

Dunn County Judicial Center

615 Stokke Parkway

Menomonie, WI 54751

Upper Parking Lot:

Courthouse Access

Lower Parking Lot:

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